Sunday, December 7, 2008

Opening Remarks

I suppose the creation of this blog is long overdue. I have always tinkered with the thought of starting one but never followed through. I don't assume that anything I have to say bears some dire importance or significance. I believe that almost all thoughts and ideas are very rarely original or wholly unique. When using such a term as "original" to describe any work of literature or commentary, I maintain that its is only the slight variations and style that truly lends "originality" or a "unique" feel to said compositions. That being said, I am finally moving forward with my own slight variations. My perspectives and opinions, social commentary and observations, with a sprinkle of occasional fiction. Although by posting these future e-publications onto a medium such as the Internet in an open Blog forum it obviously states that on some level I have a desire to have my thoughts, emotions, ideas and voice heard, I am ultimately creating this for myself. Not to say that I do not welcome any and all criticism and comments. Rather that I spill my thoughts out onto electronic ink mainly to organize them for myself. For otherwise, I will never coral the wild and random fragments chaotically ricocheting and echoing throughout my subconscious and domesticate them into a more self-identifying representation of who I am and for what I stand. Anyway, For those of you who will be checking on my e-thoughts from time to time, first let me say thank you for your interest and I hope that, whatever electronic blood, sweat, and tears you may eventually stumble across on this site, these writings may also help you to possibly understand yourself more too.

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About Me

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I am a simple man. I don't think alot of myself... I have alot of questions. At times I feel out of place in this world. At time I am filled with hate for my species and thier inherent stupidity, arogence, and apathy. I am a very kind and loving man too... Ask anyone of my friends or family. Sometimes I think this is my downfall...
