Thursday, February 12, 2009

Rant One: Wake Up!

To all those simplify drifting through life in an ignorant bliss. To all those complacent sheep allowing themselves to be hypnotized and mesmerized by the elaborate flashing lights of deception. To all those sedated and apathetic pathetic souls who dwell on life’s missed chances and past dreams. To all those excuse makers who find every reason to not do what they complain about never doing. To all those oxygen thieves who waste their lives sucking the world dry from the bottom wrung. To all those who are too stupid to see their own ignorance. To all those who are too stubborn to see the futility of their mediocrity. To all those who find every reason to blame everything on everyone but themselves. To all those liars and hypocrites who cheat their way through life and have no respect or honor. To all those narcissistic egomaniacs who are certain the universe revolves around them. To all those who should have been killed by natural selection a long time ago but continue to pollute the gene pool. To all those grotesquely obese gluttons who blame their falsely blame their fat on biochemistry and not themselves. To all those people everywhere who sit idly by and watch the world go up in flames without lifting a finger. To all those who are too pusillanimous to find a cause or belief. To everyone everywhere I say:


This fucking world is fucked! We are going down in flames and you all are to blame!

Can’t you see? You have one life to live. One life to give. A teardrop in a bucket of time on this earth and you are miserably wasting it away. When it is gone it is gone. When it is done it is done and there is no God or man who can give it back. You are wasting it. You are wasting your life. You are wasting our air. You are wasting our resources. You are wasting our time. You are already dead. The rest of us have to pay for your life support.

So, you have a choice. Get busy living. Or, get busy dying. What’s it going to be?

About Me

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I am a simple man. I don't think alot of myself... I have alot of questions. At times I feel out of place in this world. At time I am filled with hate for my species and thier inherent stupidity, arogence, and apathy. I am a very kind and loving man too... Ask anyone of my friends or family. Sometimes I think this is my downfall...
